Meet team Care Force in Porto

Meet Care Force in Porto!

In March we will participate in the Porto in person Fairs

April 09, 2022 | 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

As you are used to from Care Force, our account managers and recruiters visit various job fairs in Europe. We have been doing this with great pleasure for many years.

During these events we meet doctors, nurses and dentists who are looking for a job in the Netherlands or Belgium. Our team is there to answer your questions and enthuse you to continue your career in the Netherlands or Belgium. Both countries offer unprecedented opportunities.

Information for you!

Let's meet!

Hans and Rob will be at the Expomedics event on 9 April in Porto and will be ready to give you a better insight into the process of fulfilling your dream of a career in either the Netherlands or Belgium.

April 09, 2022 - Porto - 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Hotel Vila Galé Porto
  • Av. de Fernão de Magalhães 7
  • 4300-190 Porto

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We look forward to meet you!

Meet team Care Force in Porto
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